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About Me and My Training

My Training

I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories – Ayurveda, gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics, and everything in between.

I studied with the world's top health and wellness experts including: 


  • Joshua Rosenthal, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, chair of nutrition at Harvard University

  • Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

  • Gabrielle Bernstein, bestselling author and life coach

  • Susan Blum, MD, MPH, assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine

  • Mark Hyman, MD, founder of The UltraWellness Center

  • Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating

  • David Wolfe, raw food leader and nutrition expert

  • Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, professor at New York University’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health

  • Mark Bittman, food writer for The New York Times and bestselling author

  • Joel Fuhrman, MD, family physician and leading expert on nutritional healing

My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and prevention. Drawing on my expertise, I work with my clients to help make lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results. You will develop a deeper understanding of food and lifestyle choices that work best for you, improving your energy, balance, health, and happiness.

Each session will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. I will personally and carefully guide you to make simple, small changes that transform your life.



I grew up on a farm in the Kansas county of Wabaunsee. When not in school, I spent the days of my youth with my brothers and sisters doing farm work, riding horses, swimming in creeks, and basically living outside. Meals were based on the gathering of family and eating real food that was grown on the farm. This laid the foundation for me to become a life-long student of all things living and the food that sustains them. This family, and this farm, shaped who I am today.


At Kansas State University, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Science in Life Science.  I went on to earn a degree in Medical Technology as a graduate student at Wichita State University. While working for an international pharmaceutical company in Texas, I studied Pharmaceutical Marketing at University of Houston. 


After returning to Kansas with my husband, Dr. James Shaw, we raised three children to love the outdoors, to be curious about the science of nature, and we encouraged them to explore.


I was a very active volunteer at our kids’ school from the time they started Pre-K until they graduated 12th grade. I volunteered for everything from being a room mother to serving as the Board of Trustees Chairperson. I’m also an artist and the owner of J Shaw Studio.


Allowing myself to embrace reinventing oneself, and with our two youngest children (twins) heading to college, at age 55 I decided to once again enroll in school…



Understanding that health is not a destination but a journey, that living your best life involves not only your physical health but also your emotional/mental health, I enrolled in, and graduated from, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the world’s largest nutrition school. I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC), a member of the International Association for Health Coaches (IAHC), and I received a certificate acknowledging completion of 43 Continuing Education Units (CEU) from State University of New York at Purchase, School of Liberal Studies and Continuing Education.


Through IIN I have studied bio-individuality, over 100 dietary theories, and practical lifestyle coaching methods. I learned how one person’s food is another’s poison, how nutrition can affect sleep and a feeling of wellbeing. I learned to practice what I call  “the airplane oxygen mask” theory:  you have to practice self-care to be in the best place to nurture others. But maybe most important, I successfully experienced the theory that taking small steps can result in profound changes.


Using this knowledge, I work with clients to co-create completely personalized actions based on their individual goals to move them toward their ideal vision of health within their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and resources. 


As a wife and mother to a busy family, as well as a business owner, I have been in the place of not having enough energy, not enough sleep, of not being at a healthy weight, making poor food choices, battling cravings, and of being on an emotional roller coaster.  I understand that you don’t lose weight to become healthy; you become healthy and in return lose weight, increase your energy level, and your overall joy for life. I have created the life I love and I’m passionate about helping others to do the same. Together we can create the life you love!


In Peace, Love, & Health,



As a coach, I put the power back in YOUR hands.  


Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk.

Schedule an initial consultation with me today.



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